Category Archives: Photos

Shane gets 2nd at Volcom Global Finals

Our boy Shane Farber came in second place in the 15-21 Volcom “Wild in the Parks” Global Championships at the Berrics.  Congrats dude.  We’re super late posting this, and super proud of him.

Shane 2nd at Volcom

Ruin’s Shane Farber won the Volcom Wild in the Parks contest at Hazard

Shane Volcom Contest 6

Shane took the win for the 15-21 division at the recent Volcom contest.  Homie came in first in qualifiers and the finals.  Ripper.  Congrats Shane.  More pictures from the contest on his team page HERE.

Cole Frazier – BS Flip

Cole BS Flip
Photo: Morico

ABD Dude… Whatever.